Want to show something cool in a blog post. Something that can attract the attention of visitors. One of the way is to make the text run / move. Certain with the running text will make visitors pay attention to the contents of the text. You can fill in the words important can be commands, suggestions, greetings, invitations, etc.
How to Make Writing Effects Run in Blog Posts. The effect of this paper is in the form of the effect when. Text will appear as typed directly. Typed and appears from the left to the right. You can add as many words as you to the right. You can add as many words as you want.
So that visitors can see more please you put it in a place that is easily seen by visitors. You can put it in the post, spread it / in the header. Certain with the running text will make visitors pay attention to the contents of the text. You can fill in the words important can be commands, suggestions, greetings, invitations, etc.
How to Make Writing Effects Run in Blog Posts The effect of this paper is in the form of the effect when. Text will appear as typed directly. Typed and appears from the left to the right. You can add as many words as you like want. So that visitors can see more please you put it in a place that is easily seen by visitors.
You can put it in the post, spread it / in the header. Then what does the text look like?
Interested to make it in your blog post? Quite easily you just need to copy the code below and if you want to put it sidebar / header is enough for a new widget and paste the code.
But if you want to put in a post please make it new posts make sure the writing mode is HTML and not Compose.
How to Create a Moving Writing Effect
<script language="JavaScript">function type(){var t=document.getElementById(destination);t&&(t.innerHTML=text.substr(0,currentChar)+"<blink>_</blink>",currentChar++,currentChar>text.length?(currentChar=1,setTimeout("type()",5e3)):setTimeout("type()",delay))}function startTyping(t,e,n){text=t,delay=e,currentChar=1,destination=n,type()}var text="Welcome to TRICKSTOFIX Blog, don't forget to share your comments below!",delay=20,currentChar=1,destination="[none]";</script><div 0px="" 12px="" arial="" color:="" ff0000="" font:="" id="textDestination" margin:="" style="background-color: none;"><script language="JavaScript">javascript:startTyping(text, 50, "textDestination");</script> Note
Don't forget to change the text Welcome to TRICKSTOFIX Blog, don't forget to share your comments below! Have fun and click Share. with the text you want to be displayed on your Blog.